Deity of the holy spirit pdf

Wallace dallas theological seminary the modern, broadly conservative articulation of the distinct personality and deity of the holy spirit has often included in its arsenal a point or two from the realm of philology. Where we differ a little is in the doctrine of the ruach haqodesh holy spirit. The scritures always refer to the holy spirit as he even though in greek spirit should be neuter gender e. Wednesday evening study, phoenix reformed baptist church, july 7, 2010, on key texts relating to the deity and personality of the holy spirit. Messianic evangelical prototrinitarians are pretty well in complete agreement with classical trinitarians from the protestant, catholic and eastern orthodox churches when it comes to the biblical doctrine of the father and the son. The first eight messages relate to the spirits being and nature, whereas the later messages focus more on the spirits roles and activities. The spirit of god, the spirit of jesus, the spirit of yhwh. The deity of the holy spirit can also be inferred from the act of creation. In what follows, we shall, by the grace of god, examine some holy scriptural evidence of the deity of the holy spirit. Study 1 the holy spirit is god the holy spirit is the third person of the trinity and can also be referred to as. Christs divinity and equality with the father, is less recognized for his defense of the holy spirit.

To begin a discussion of the person of the holy spirit, a basic understanding of the trinity should be established. The bible teaches the holy spirit to be the third person of the trinity. It might be said that the deity of the father is simply assumed in scripture, that of the son is affirmed and argued, while that of the holy spirit must be inferred from various indirect statements found in. Lesson 2the deity of the holy spirit 1 the holy spirit is god because certain passages in the bible equate the holy spirit with god. The bible uses the words holy spirit and god interchangeably. Our present concern is the nature and dignity of his person. Also, unless the full deity of jesus is established, the full deity of the holy spirit will likely not even be considered or taken seriously by opponents or doubters of the doctrine of the trinity.

While the creed clearly and specifically con fessed the deity of. The personality of the holy spirit the holy spirit, the 3rd person of the trinity, has a personality as much as the father and son does. A divine person 1 the holy spirit and christ 2 the holy spirit and the apostles 3 baptism with the holy spirit 4 spiritual gifts 6 the gift of the holy spirit 10 how the holy spirit saves sinners 12 the witness of the two spirits the indwelling of the holy spirit 14 the spirit and the word 16 sins against the holy spirit 18. But without question athanasius affirmed the deity of the spirit. The way in which the name of the holy spirit is coupled with that of god.

The doctrine of the personality of the holy spirit is of the highest importance from the standpoint of worship. Some, however, have taught that the holy spirit is an impersonal force used by god. The name of the holy spirit is coupled with that of god in a way that it would be impossible for a reverent and thoughtful mind to couple the name of any finite being with that of the deity. Matthew recker heritage discipleship institute po box 7925 new york, ny 10116. It might be said that the deity of the father is simply assumed in scripture, that of the son is affirmed and argued, while that of the holy spirit must be inferred from various indirect statements found in scripture. The holy spirit gods spirit introduction deity and. If the holy spirit is a divine person, worthy to receive our adoration, our faith and our love, and we do not know and recognize him as such, then we are robbing a. The history of the doctrine of the holy spirit, part i slj. But if the holy spirit is a personal, divine being. I am sure, in speaking to an audience such as this, that i do not have to say to you that history is of tremendous value to us. We are not saying that the word fellowship itself, demands the holy spirit is a person, but that a word that normally, but not always implies personality, is used in conjunction. In this doctrine, we will deal specifically with his deity. Greek grammar and the personality of the holy spirit daniel b. General outline 1 the doctrine of the holy spirit 2 the.

Many cults deny that he is a person and that he is god. The need for this is real and pressing, for ignorance of the third person of the godhead is most dishonoring to him. Open as pdf the holy spirit chapter 3 the deity of the holy spirit in the last chapter we endeavored to supply from the testimony of holy writ abundant and clear evidence that the holy spirit is a conscious, intelligent, personal being. In the past having given consideration to the attributes of god our father, and then to a contemplation of some of the glories of god our redeemer, it now seems fitting that these should be followed by this series on the holy spirit.

While the creed clearly and specifically con fessed the deity of the son against the onslaught of. The holy spirit s work in relation to the world of mankind d. The blessed person and work of god the holy spirit. The deity of the holy spirit the debate over the divinity of the holy spirit initially centered upon a group of writers known as the pneumatomachoi. Importance of the doctrine one of the most characteristic and distinctive doctrines of the christian faith is that of the personality and deity of the holy spirit.

The deity and personality of the holy spirit youtube. Lesson 2 the deity of the holy spirit 1 the holy spirit is god because certain passages in the bible equate the holy spirit with god. This short, succinct affirmation of the spirit in the nicene creed leaves the reader wanting much more. The previous lesson introduced this series and stressed the importance of our study 2. They try to say that he is just a force or an influence. The grace of the lord jesus christ, and the love of god, and the fellowship of the holy spirit, be with you all 2 cor. The final and decisive proof of the deity of the holy spirit is found in the fact. The arguments for the full deity of the holy spirit often have parallels with the.

The holy spirit left the divine revelation of himself in the bible. The holy spirit of god 2 the holy spirit of god table of contents an important subject for our study 3 the personality of the holy spirit 6 the deity of the holy spirit 9 the work of the holy spirit the promise of the holy spirit 16 the baptism of the holy spirit 19. The person and work of the holy spirit project gutenberg. The deity of the holy spirit is not as easily established as that of the father and the son. Deity of the holy spirit the bible clearly represents the holy spirit as possessing divine attributes and exercising divine authority. The holy spirit is associated with god the father and god the son on equal terms matt. The personality and deity of the holy spirit by rev. The holy spirit as presented in the bible as the same essential deity as god the father and. So the holy one to be born will be called the son of god. This doctrine has been much attacked in liberal circles as a back. Pneumatology the doctrine of the holy spirit taught by pastor c. The blood of jesus sanctification sexual purity in the name of christ appearance of evil sanctification as an accomplished fact sexuality being cleansed from sin. There can be no doubt that the new testament writers identify the holy ghost of the new testament with the spirit of god of the old.

To accept these positions is to deny the authority and clear teaching of scripture. All cults deny the deity and person of the holy spirit. This fact, of course, abundantly justifies the instinctive christian. The deity of the holy spirit grace communion international. The deity of the holy spirit there is so much confusion about who the holy spirit is and what he does. Christ, who through the eternal spirit offered himself heb 9. The work of the holy spirit what is the ministry of the holy spirit. They often claim that the holy spirit is simply gods impersonal active force, or that the holy spirit is a mode in which god chooses to operate in order to accomplish a certain task. Summary of notes on pneumatology the doctrine of god the. The nine gifts of the holy spirit 1 corinthians 12. Haykin it is curious to note that while the first book devoted to the subject of baptism was one written by the north african theologian tertullian fl. The history of the doctrine of the holy spirit, part i.

We are not saying that the word fellowship itself, demands the holy spirit is a person, but that a word that normally, but not always implies personality, is used in conjunction with two. The deity of the holy spirit messianic evangelical prototrinitarians are pretty well in complete agreement with classical trinitarians from the protestant, catholic and eastern orthodox churches when it comes to the biblical doctrine of the father and the son. The final and decisive proof of the deity of the holy spirit is found in the fact that he is called god in the new testament. The very next verse suggests the holy spirit identified in gen. Aug 27, 2014 also, unless the full deity of jesus is established, the full deity of the holy spirit will likely not even be considered or taken seriously by opponents or doubters of the doctrine of the trinity. Since the fourth century, nearly all who agree that the spirit is a person also agree that he is divine. The first eight messages relate to the spirit s being and nature, whereas the later messages focus more on the spirit s roles and activities. This exception to grammatical rules indicates that the bible views the holy spirit as a person. The old testament writers were not directly aware of the triunity. Please read volumes 8, 9 and 10 of the foundational truth series as a background to understanding the anointing of the holy spirit. In fact, peter spoke of the holy spirit and god interchangeably in ac 5.

Part 1 the being and nature of the holy spirit 01 introduction 02 definition of spirit 03 definition of holy 04 the deity of the holy spirit 05 other names of the holy spirit 06 the trinity. The holy spirit is the intangible arm of god, interacting with mankind on gods behalf. The holy spirit of god 6 the holy spirit of god the personality of the holy spirit introduction 1. This does not mean he is a lesser being than god the father of god the son, for the biblical doctrine of the trinity asserts one in essence manifested in three distinct persons. In numerous passages in the new testament the trinitarian pattern is so. The holy spirit s work in relation to the old testament believer e. Then by way of introduction, we looked at just some of the holy spirits rather diverse roles. There is no subject more important in religion than that of the holy spirit. I know that henry ford said history is the succession of one damn thing after another, and i agree that that is a pithy pointer to historys disasters. The holy spirit chapter 3 the deity of the holy spirit. The holy spirit is personal that is he has personality and is not just an impersonal divine force. Though somewhat simplistic, i believe we can accurately define the holy spirit in this way. Christianity has traditionally taught that the holy spirit is the third person or hypostasis of the godhead. Therefore, it is imperative for christians to know, believe, and practice the biblical teachings of the deity and personhood of the holy spirit.

The new king james version renders pauls testimony to the deity of the holy spirit now the lord is the spirit. The divine names for the holy spirit show that he is god. We have previously covered the doctrine of the holy spirits ministry in the old testament in num. God the holy spirit his deity and personhood sbc life. The deity of the holy spirit e the debate over the divinity of the holy spirit initially centered upon a group of writers known as. This makes sense only if the holy spirit is indeed god. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the spirit of the lord. The arguments for the full deity of the holy spirit often have parallels with the arguments for the full deity of christ. Basil of caesarea, gregory of nyssa, and the pneumatomachian controversy of the 4 th century1 michael a. Any group that denies the godhood of god, is most assuredly a false group. Revisiting the deity of the spirit matthew barrett introductw ion e believe in the holy spirit.

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